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Plastic Island

You might be eating your own toothbrush or the plastic bottle you were using and not be aware of it! It’s crazy right? There is an island full of plastic in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, which we all contribute to. Plastic cannot be decomposed because they are not consumed by bacteria.The plastic we use on a daily basis are destroying the oceans and harming the animals that live on this island and in water. Those animals are consuming the plastic we use. According to CNN news there are more than five trillion pieces of plastic already in the ocean and by 2050 there will be more plastic in the sea than fish. About 8 million tons of plastic trash leak into the ocean annually.


Smaller plastic pieces can be found in the sand by the shoreline and these smaller particles end up in the food chain. They are eaten by marine animals, causing them to have reproductive problems and abnormal behaviors. Not only are these plastic particles causing harm to marine animals, they are also harming us humans. According to CNN news ‘One study found that man-made marine debris may cause physical harm to humans when ingested via seafood’. Another study estimated that Europeans who eat shellfish could be exposed to 11,000 pieces of micro plastic each year.

Step by step we can all start to make a change by using more reusable materials, such as coffee mugs and grocery bags. We all take a step by being more cautious when disposing plastics and spreading the awareness of the dangers of our careless actions.

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